As connoisseurs of romance, we all want one thing.
...And they lived happily ever after.
But how do we get there?
What journey leads you to that sweet, final moment?
For me, romance is about the slow burn, first kisses.
The heart-pounding will they or won't they.
The laughter. The tears. The angry, ball-busting, rage-so-good fights that make making up so much fun.
Romance is more than riding off into the sunset.
It's all the little pieces that have to break apart
and then deliciously fall back together.
It's what lies beneath...
Come, turn a page with me.
Let's explore love and passion and angst
that hurts so good we never want to read the words:
The End.
Grab a cozy blanket, a warm cup of coffee
and get ready to open your heart...
I'm so glad you're here.

Let's hook up.
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Harlow Cole is a former journalism student, turned techie, turned mother, who finally decided at age forty-plus what she wants to be if she ever grows up. Her writing journey began in sixth grade, when she and her best friend penned boy band fanfiction in an old spiral notebook. Harlow is a connoisseur of peanut M&Ms, brand-new school supplies and angst-filled, slow-burn love stories that always end happy. At fifteen, she met her first love. They’ve now been married for twenty years. They reside in suburban Washington, DC, where Harlow moonlights as a taxi driver for their farting beagle and teenage twins.